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List of Technical Events

The following table contains the complete list of technical events that can be used in a formula expression. They can also be viewed using the Formula Expression Helper pane below the formula editing text area. Technical events serve to build stock screening criteria. You can view examples of technical criteria on charts here. In the examples below, macds, slowk, and slowd stands for MACD Signal Line, Stochastic %K line, and Stochastic %D line correspondingly. You can view the complete list of supported indicators and lines on the Technical Indicators help page.

 Technical Events
Event Explanation Formula examples
caCrossed Above price ca ema(50)

ema(7) ca ema(50)

rsi(14) ca 80

macd(12,26,9) ca macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) ca slowd(14,3,3)
cbCrossed Below price cb ema(50)

ema(7) cb ema(50)

rsi(14) cb 20

macd(12,26,9) cb macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) cb slowd(14,3,3)
>Is Above price > 10

price > ema(50)

ema(7) > ema(50)

rsi(14) > 80

macd(12,26,9) > macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) > slowd(14,3,3)
<Is Below price < 100

price < ema(50)

ema(7) < ema(50)

rsi(14) < 20

macd(12,26,9) < macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) < slowd(14,3,3)
tochaTouched Above price tocha ema(50)

ema(7) tocha ema(50)

rsi(14) tocha smarsi(14,9)

macd(12,26,9) tocha macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) tocha slowd(14,3,3)
tochbTouched Below price tochb ema(50)

ema(7) tochb ema(50)

rsi(14) tochb smarsi(14,9)

macd(12,26,9) tochb macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) tochb slowd(14,3,3)
bon_upBounced Up From price bon_up ema(50)

ema(7) bon_up ema(50)

rsi(14) bon_up smarsi(14,9)

macd(12,26,9) bon_up macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) bon_up slowd(14,3,3)
bon_dnBounced Down From price bon_dn ema(50)

ema(7) bon_dn ema(50)

rsi(14) bon_dn smarsi(14,9)

macd(12,26,9) bon_dn macds(12,26,9)

slowk(14,3,3) bon_dn slowd(14,3,3)
div_bullBullish Divergence rsi(14) div_bull

macd(12,26,9) div_bull

stoch(14,3,3) div_bull
div_bearBearish Divergence rsi(14) div_bear

macd(12,26,9) div_bear

stoch(14,3,3) div_bear
trend_upTrending Up over the specified number of days/bars price trend_up 20

ema(7) trend_up 20

rsi(14) trend_up 7

macd(12,26,9) trend_up 7

stoch(14,3,3) trend_up 7
trend_dnTrending Down over the specified number of days/bars price trend_dn 20

ema(7) trend_dn 20

rsi(14) trend_dn 7

macd(12,26,9) trend_dn 7

stoch(14,3,3) trend_dn 7
new_highNew High over the specified number of days/bars price new_high 10

ema(7) new_high 10

rsi(14) new_high 10

macd(12,26,9) new_high 10

stoch(14,3,3) new_high 10
new_lowNew Low over the specified number of days/bars price new_low 10

ema(7) new_low 10

rsi(14) new_low 10

macd(12,26,9) new_low 10

stoch(14,3,3) new_low 10


 Stock Screener
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      Technical Criteria
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      Formula Examples
      Technical Indicators
      Technical Events
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      Fundamental Indicators
      List of Industries
      More Examples
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      How to Backtest Watch List
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