Welcome to the most comprehensive and powerful Stock Screener tool! You can select from many technical and fundamental criteria to find financial instruments that match your investment goals or your trading strategy. The Strategy Backtester tool will help you test your ideas on historical data. Whether you are a beginner in the financial market or a professional trader, the tools provided will be beneficial in optimizing your trades! |
Develop your own stock screening strategy and backtest it on historical data!
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Stock Screener
What makes MarketInOut.com a unique stock screener? Of course, we support all popular technical indicators such as MACD, Stochastic, Ichimoku, Bollinger Bands, and SuperTrend. In addition, you can also perform more detailed stock screening using support and resistance levels, classic trend lines, Demark's trend lines, Fibonacci retracements, linear regression channels, Donchian and Keltner channels, pivot points, candlesticks, and classic chart patterns. You can also take the approaches of Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and Benjamin Graham to find undervalued stocks and select financially stable companies using scoring techniques developed by Joseph Piotroski, Edward Altman, and Messod Beneish. But this is still only a tiny part of your arsenal. Utilizing a multitude of technical and fundamental criteria allows you to select stocks across 35 different international stock exchanges using daily, weekly, and monthly timeframes. Historical screening and notification options are also available. Take advantage of the opportunity to have new matching stocks sent directly to your phone or email.
Strategy Backtester
Have you already developed a stock screening method?
How much would you earn as a trader if you followed this method in your trading strategy in 2022 or 2023? Find it out with the Strategy Backtester, the most comprehensive and powerful backtesting tool. This tool allows you to backtest the performance of your trading strategy over 20 years of historical data. The Strategy Backtester makes it easy to gauge the historical performance of even the most sophisticated trading strategies. Backtest your strategy with us before going live!
Formulaic Expressions
Stock Screener is an easy-to-use and powerful tool. However, you can achieve even more flexibility with the Formula Screener tool, which allows you to create any complex stock screening criteria. The formula can use various timeframes, index conditions, regime filters, aggregate functions, and data arrays. You can also create scoring criteria, perform historical screening, and add instructions for displaying the result. It is worth noting that formulaic expressions can also be used in the Strategy Backtester tool to set criteria for opening and closing trading positions. In this case, you can also use special functions that provide access to the trading position.
MarketInOut.com provides the opportunity to screen all the world's leading stock exchanges: Nasdaq, NYSE, OTC,
(Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Dublin, Lisbon, Brussels), Madrid, Prague,
Oslo, Helsinki,
and many others. But that is not all. Of course, we also support Forex and cryptocurrencies. All the tools provided on the platform apply to them.
Get a big-picture view of your portfolio using the Portfolio Tracker tool. Use the chart feature to display the open and close points of your portfolio's positions. Measure the success of your portfolio using the performance chart and performance statistics. The Portfolio Tracker provides all the tools and information needed to analyze your portfolio as a whole.
What's New
The earnings report dates markup indicator has been added to the product. For a given stock, it shows what days earnings reports were released, what the next earnings report date is, and how many days are left until it's due. You can add this indicator to a stock chart or chart template by selecting Earn rep dates from the list of available indicators. Or, you can add the " and draw(earnrep)" to a formula expression to display the indicator on charts.
The following quarterly fundamental indicators have become available for use in the Formula Screener: Enterprise Value, EBIT, Return On Equity, Return On Assets, Return On Invested Capital, Free Cash Flow, Debt / Equity Ratio, Buyback Yield, Book Value Per Share, and Funds From Operations. You can refer to data from current and previous fiscal quarters or years. Quarter-Over-Quarter and Year-Over-Year performance metrics are also supported for them. For more details, please refer to the Quarterly Data, Annual Data, Year-Over-Year Performance, and Quarter-Over-Quarter Performance sections on the corresponding help page.
The following stock exchanges have been added to the product: Euronext (Amsterdam, Milan, Paris, Brussels, Lisbon), SIX Swiss Exchange, Madrid Exchange, Vienna Exchange, Prague Exchange, Irish Exchange, Oslo Exchange, Helsinki Exchange, Tel Aviv Exchange, Dubai Financial Market, Kuwait Stock Exchange, Korea Stock Exchange. For them, all the same functionality is available as for other exchanges. To screen these exchanges, select the appropriate items in the Stock Universe criteria category of the Stock Screener tool.
Scott Cong, PhD, first presented the VAcc (Velocity and Acceleration) indicator in the Stocks & Commodities magazine in September 2023. The idea was to analyze markets using simple physical concepts such as velocity and acceleration. The indicator includes a Velocity line plotted as a red line on the chart and Acceleration values plotted as a histogram. The velocity line shows how fast the trading instrument grows, and its values above zero indicate a strong bullish trend. The rising velocity line shows that the trading instrument is growing at an ever-increasing speed. At the same time, positive acceleration values mean an increase in the velocity's growth rate. The same approach, applied in reverse, will help determine how fast the price of an asset is moving down and whether this move is speeding up or slowing down. Since the VAcc indicator is an oscillator, traders can use the technical analysis approaches for oscillators. For example, the velocity line crossing above the zero mark can signal the emergence of a bullish trend. Conversely, a downward crossover of the zero mark gives a sell signal. Bullish divergence between the price and the velocity line or price and the acceleration values suggests a buying opportunity. At the same time, the continuing rise of the velocity line indicates a strong bullish trend and growing buying interest. It is worth noting that the VAcc indicator is similar to MACD but gives more responsive and accurate signals. You can select the VAcc indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by vacc(26,9) in the Formula Screener. For example, vacc(26,9) ca 0 expression reads as velocity line crossed above 0. Or, vacc(13,8) div_bull means bullish divergence between the price and the velocity line. You can also refer to the acceleration values in the formula expression. For example, acceleration(26,9) div_bull means bullish divergence between the price and the acceleration values.
A logarithmic price scale option is now available for stock charts. You can select it by clicking Log in the settings panel below the chart. This option was also added to the Chart Template tool. A log scale on the price axis means that equal vertical distances on the chart represent equal percentage changes. It contrasts with a linear scale where equal vertical distances represent equal absolute price changes. Log scales are handy for visualizing long-term trends. They compress the scale for large values and expand it for smaller values, providing a clearer picture of a stock's overall performance over an extended period.
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