Why MarketInOut.com? |
Unique technical
Selection Criteria
provided by the best in the industry
Technical Stock Screener tool
Screening of NASDAQ, NYSE, AMEX shares,
ETF securities,
Forex and cryptocurrencies,
metals, stocks from many
International Exchanges
SGX, and
Ability to build
Custom Screens
with a wide variety of technical indicators
Stock Backtester
tool allows examining custom stock screens and trading strategies on historical data
Powerful and easy-to-use Portfolio Tracker
tool helps to monitor your real trading accounts or experiment
with various trading strategies before going live |
Provides Stock Chart and
Technical Analyzer
- visual tools for monitoring your favorite symbol's performance, including
and P&F charts
Ability to set up a
Trade Alert
for certain stock and technical signal pair
or a Price Alert
to be notified via e-mail or SMS when a stock reaches some price level
Stock Correlation and
Stock Calculator
tools can help you to diversify your trading positions and enable you to control risks
in a more sophisticated way