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Stock Correlation

Learning about stock correlation helps traders manage their portfolios more appropriately. Regardless of your trading strategy and whether you are looking to diversify your positions or find alternate stocks to leverage your view, it is essential to consider the correlation between various stocks and their shifting trends.

Stock Correlation is the statistical measure of the relationship between two stocks. The correlation coefficient ranges between -1 and +1. A correlation of +1 implies that the two stocks will move in the same direction 100% of the time. A correlation of -1 implies the two stocks will move in the opposite direction 100% of the time. A correlation of zero implies that the relationship between the stocks is completely random. Correlations do not always remain stable and can even change on a daily basis. Correlation analysis can help you to diversify your positions. An imperfect correlation between two different stocks allows for more diversification and marginally lower risk.

In the correlation analysis tool, you can set the period - the number of days for which the correlation is calculated. It is worth noting that you can also use the CORREL function in the Formula Screener tool. For example, the formula expression below will give the list of tickers that have a correlation coefficient vs. AAPL between 0.1 and -0.1: correl(aapl) > -0.1 and correl(aapl) < 0.1


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