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1.Exchange: Shenzhen
2.3-Month Relative Strength Is Above 90
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector   1-Week
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
  Last  Volume
Shenzhen Quanxinhao Co Ltd A
Consumer Cyclical
 56 /100 59 /100 94 /100 98 /100 93 /100 89 /100 5.19  2,575,900
Shenzhen Desay Battery Technology Co Ltd
Electronic Components
 7 /100 3 /100 96 /100 90 /100 80 /100 43 /100 24.08  10,980,280
Shenzhen Neptunus Bioengineering Co Ltd A
Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
 12 /100 98 /100 98 /100 93 /100 54 /100 70 /100 2.55  13,972,715
Hubei Yihua Chemical Industry Co Ltd A
Agricultural Inputs
Basic Materials
 1 /100 5 /100 30 /100 96 /100 94 /100 86 /100 11.23  16,930,100
Rongan Property Co Ltd
Real Estate Services
Real Estate
 49 /100 36 /100 60 /100 95 /100 91 /100 84 /100 2.62  16,890,896
Zhuhai Huajin Capital Co Ltd A
Asset Management
Financial Services
 63 /100 26 /100 50 /100 91 /100 51 /100 90 /100 11.46  9,217,700
5I5J Holding Group Co Ltd A
Real Estate Services
Real Estate
 13 /100 75 /100 93 /100 99 /100 94 /100 85 /100 2.44  211,552,336
Chengdu Xingrong Environment Co Ltd A
Utilities - Regulated Water
 94 /100 91 /100 95 /100 95 /100 99 /100 99 /100 8.21  28,970,260
Guangdong Fenghua Advanced Technology (Holding) Co Ltd
Electronic Components
 18 /100 68 /100 95 /100 96 /100 95 /100 81 /100 14.24  22,611,008
Dongfang Electronics Co Ltd
Electrical Equipment & Parts
 78 /100 54 /100 82 /100 91 /100 98 /100 94 /100 10.64  17,373,948
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