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1.Exchange: Korea
2.3-Month Relative Strength Is Above 90
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector   1-Week
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
  Last  Volume
Yuhan Corp
Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
 77 /100 79 /100 96 /100 96 /100 97 /100 96 /100 95,700  595,213
Hanwha General Insurance Co Ltd
Insurance - Property & Casualty
Financial Services
 76 /100 62 /100 80 /100 91 /100 93 /100 89 /100 5,100.00  368,383
Samsung Fire & Marine Insurance Co Ltd
Insurance - Property & Casualty
Financial Services
 39 /100 23 /100 31 /100 94 /100 97 /100 94 /100 352,500  91,266
DB HiTek Co Ltd
 28 /100 90 /100 91 /100 93 /100 56 /100 40 /100 52,700  352,618
GS Global Corp
Industrial Distribution
 52 /100 96 /100 11 /100 98 /100 93 /100 89 /100 3,595.00  4,114,420
Namkwang Engineering & Construction Co Ltd
Engineering & Construction
 96 /100 97 /100 96 /100 91 /100 47 /100 21 /100 7,170.00  13,015
Paik Kwang Industrial Co Ltd
Specialty Chemicals
Basic Materials
 3 /100 2 /100 1 /100 92 /100 98 /100 99 /100 9,600.00  288,396
SG Global Co Ltd
Auto Parts
Consumer Cyclical
 7 /100 2 /100 96 /100 94 /100 98 /100 97 /100 2,570.00  541,568
Hyundai Marine & Fire Insurance Co Ltd
Insurance - Property & Casualty
Financial Services
 89 /100 82 /100 81 /100 90 /100 90 /100 87 /100 34,950  503,428
Daesang Corp
Packaged Foods
Consumer Defensive
 18 /100 24 /100 16 /100 91 /100 91 /100 92 /100 24,150  109,696
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