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2.3-Month Relative Strength Is Above 90
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector   1-Week
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
  Last  Volume
Aether Global Innovations Corp
Security & Protection Services
 31 /100 92 /100 89 /100 92 /100 87 /100   0.05  60,000
Avarone Metals Inc
Other Industrial Metals & Mining
Basic Materials
 91 /100 54 /100 84 /100 93 /100 61 /100 72 /100 0.035  15,000
Ayurcann Holdings Corp
Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
 82 /100 41 /100 99 /100 92 /100 95 /100 92 /100 0.065  16,000
Dark Star Minerals Inc
Other Industrial Metals & Mining
Basic Materials
 24 /100 30 /100 97 /100 91 /100 96 /100 69 /100 0.04  7,000
Blueberries Medical Corp
Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
 94 /100 10 /100 19 /100 91 /100 37 /100 55 /100 0.015  51,200
BetterLife Pharma Inc
 35 /100 34 /100 80 /100 90 /100 90 /100 93 /100 0.14  63,500
Cannabix Technologies Inc
Medical Devices
 13 /100 20 /100 74 /100 95 /100 95 /100 92 /100 0.49  12,068
Blackhawk Growth Corp
Asset Management
Financial Services
 12 /100 50 /100 3 /100 95 /100 3 /100 13 /100 0.02  4,000
Beyond Oil Ltd
Packaged Foods
Consumer Defensive
 89 /100 92 /100 93 /100 97 /100 93 /100 95 /100 1.44  61,165
Cascade Copper Corp
Other Industrial Metals & Mining
Basic Materials
 85 /100 65 /100 70 /100 92 /100 52 /100   0.05  30,000
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