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1.Exchange: Shanghai
2.3-Month Relative Strength Is Above 90
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector   1-Week
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
  Last  Volume
Penghua Hong Kong Stock Through CSI Hongkong Bank Investment Index Fund(LOF)
 63 /100 45 /100 57 /100 90 /100 94 /100 92 /100 1.16  1,033,189
Zhong Ou Asset Management Co Ltd
 8 /100 35 /100 58 /100 92 /100 67 /100 69 /100 1.31  60,400
Fullgoal CSI Military Top Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 91 /100 95 /100 91 /100 90 /100 85 /100 59 /100 0.558  401,880,384
E Fund CSI Overseas China Internet 50 Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 38 /100 12 /100 49 /100 92 /100 91 /100 79 /100 1.00  1,204,655,360
Guotai Nasdaq 100 Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 25 /100 26 /100 47 /100 91 /100 93 /100 96 /100 1.41  792,486,720
Yinhua Hang Seng SCHK China Technlgy Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 17 /100 8 /100 27 /100 92 /100 85 /100 70 /100 0.696  27,858,100
ChinaAMC Nasdaq-100 Index Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 24 /100 28 /100 51 /100 93 /100 95 /100 97 /100 1.82  434,405,312
Bosera S&P 500 Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 43 /100 58 /100 61 /100 93 /100 94 /100 96 /100 1.93  92,901,200
Bosera Hang Seng High Dividend Yield
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 55 /100 19 /100 44 /100 90 /100 90 /100 88 /100 0.797  60,241,100
Fullgoal CSI Consumer Elect Them Idx Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 17 /100 31 /100 74 /100 91 /100 89 /100 72 /100 0.689  22,118,868
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