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1.Exchange: Shanghai
2.Price / Book Is Greater Than 0
3.Price / Book Is Less Than 20
4.Price / Cash Flow Is Greater Than 50
5.Price / Cash Flow Is Less Than 200
6.ROE Is Greater Than 0
7.ROE Is Less Than 15
8.Current Ratio Is Greater Than 0
9.Current Ratio Is Less Than 5
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  Pre-Tax Profit Margin  Leverage Ratio  Current Ratio  Price / Book Ratio  Price / Cash
Flow Ratio
  Price / Free Cash
Flow Ratio
  Debt / Equity Ratio  Price / Sales Ratio  Last  Volume
GalaxyCore Inc
Electronic Components
 7.78  2.63  1.34  4.07  199  -45.11  1.40  5.91  11.71  5,759,234
Zhejiang China Light & Textile Industrial City Group Co Ltd A
Real Estate Services
Real Estate
 18.34  1.89  0.81  0.75  189  -3.03  0.39  4.98  3.26  1,811,371
Zhongfu Shenying Carbon Fiber Co Ltd A
Specialty Chemicals
Basic Materials
 11.13  2.00  1.98  3.32  172  -21.67  0.53  7.62  18.29  2,481,640
Jiangsu Shemar Electric Co Ltd A
Electrical Equipment & Parts
 22.65  1.18  4.69  6.18  167  715  0.00  9.69  23.09  4,717,116
Jiangsu HHCK Advanced Materials Co Ltd A
Semiconductor Equipment & Materials
 8.21  1.16  2.11  4.70  166  -95.57  0.04  16.18  61.10  1,091,070
Cubic Sensor & Instrument Co Ltd A
Electronic Components
 18.32  1.26  3.20  2.65  161  -26.34  0.05  3.77  24.61  332,947
Yantai Eddie Precision Machinery Co Ltd
Specialty Industrial Machinery
 18.16  1.77  1.97  3.46  159  -267  0.46  5.13  13.98  1,857,353
Shanghai Hile Bio-Technology Co Ltd A
   1.34  1.39  3.24  154  302  0.06  13.02  6.06  3,454,830
Shenzhen Xinyichang Technology Co Ltd A
Electronic Components
 8.53  1.93  1.60  3.24  153  -105  0.54  4.85  43.44  703,293
Dareway Software Co Ltd A
Software - Application
 15.65  1.26  2.30  2.13  149  -125  0.00  5.31  7.32  4,804,295
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