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1.Exchange: Malaysia
2.Price / Book Is Greater Than 0
3.Price / Book Is Less Than 20
4.Price / Cash Flow Is Greater Than 50
5.Price / Cash Flow Is Less Than 200
6.ROE Is Greater Than 0
7.ROE Is Less Than 15
8.Current Ratio Is Greater Than 0
9.Current Ratio Is Less Than 5
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  Pre-Tax Profit Margin  Leverage Ratio  Current Ratio  Price / Book Ratio  Price / Cash
Flow Ratio
  Price / Free Cash
Flow Ratio
  Debt / Equity Ratio  Price / Sales Ratio  Last  Volume
SecureMetric Bhd
Software - Infrastructure
   1.72  1.90  3.12  195  -225  0.04  2.59  0.235  11,381,700
Kobay Technology Bhd
Metal Fabrication
 5.75  1.56  1.92  2.00  178  -480  0.32  2.51  2.36  1,346,200
JAKS Resources Bhd
Engineering & Construction
   1.60  1.04  0.29  170  -13.85  0.33  10.00  0.18  28,838,400
BM GreenTech Bhd
Specialty Industrial Machinery
 9.44  1.57  2.30  4.34  164  262  0.02  2.47  2.03  604,100
Harrisons Holdings (Malaysia) Bhd
Industrial Distribution
 4.21  2.04  1.87  1.35  152  -94.74  0.50  0.28  9.00  18,800
Privasia Technology Bhd
Information Technology Services
 5.86  1.99  1.28  1.15  135    0.22  0.59  0.11  553,400
Ge-Shen Corp Bhd
Metal Fabrication
 8.15  2.08  1.50  3.00  113  -234  0.75  1.65  3.71  36,800
SBH Marine Holdings Bhd
Packaged Foods
Consumer Defensive
 15.19  1.22  4.45  2.18  112    0.02  6.08  0.32  2,497,200
Ecomate Holdings Bhd
Furnishings Fixtures & Appliances
Consumer Cyclical
 8.21  1.59  3.12  7.19  108  217  0.38  6.64  0.87  1,320,000
ACO Group Bhd
Electronics & Computer Distribution
 3.82  1.72  1.90  0.96  105    0.24  0.64  0.26  1,919,400
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