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1.Exchange: Shanghai
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3.P/E Is Less Than 5
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
Wuhan DDMC Culture & Sports Co Ltd A
Communication Services
 1.74  0.76    476  215  30.01    1.32  3,351,934  2,293,700
Huadian Liaoning Energy Development Co Ltd A
Utilities - Diversified
 1.71  1.51    0.91  16.03      2.59  28,419,572  97,433,024
Xiamen C&D Inc A
Specialty Business Services
 4.23  1.88  20.00  2.58  1.52  4.05  0.15  7.94  16,756,849  12,444,910
Xining Special Steel Co Ltd A
Basic Materials
 0.70  3.20  157  -5.31  11.89      2.24  8,227,975  4,500,900
Jiangsu Pacific Quartz Co Ltd
Specialty Chemicals
Basic Materials
 8.09  3.28  68.72  117  61.54  225  0.03  26.52  8,066,880  7,330,653
Bank of Guiyang Co Ltd
Banks - Regional
Financial Services
 1.43  3.60  9.11    0.81    0.35  5.15  28,975,442  22,719,056
Shaanxi Construction Engineering Group Corp Ltd A
Engineering & Construction
 0.93  3.69  14.96  11.11  1.12  5.91  0.06  3.43  11,497,563  8,617,260
Hua Xia Bank Co Ltd A
Banks - Regional
Financial Services
 1.54  4.01  8.44    0.63    0.68  6.17  34,680,684  35,045,620
Fujian Fynex Textile Science & Technology Co Ltd
Textile Manufacturing
Consumer Cyclical
 1.03  4.06  29.15  1.77  14.87  3.06  1.54  4.18  3,305,024  2,726,716
Bank of Changsha Co Ltd A
Banks - Regional
Financial Services
 1.81  4.11  11.68    0.75    0.39  7.44  17,414,008  19,896,380
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