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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
Maison Luxe Inc
Luxury Goods
Consumer Cyclical
 135,198  0.00  277    14.10  1.68    0.0012  859,811  1,148,451
Metrospaces Inc
Real Estate Services
Real Estate
 1.23  0.00    -5.91  -129      0.000001  1,816,182  275,100
RightSmile Inc
Utilities - Regulated Electric
 1.17  0.00  -57.33    -18.19      0.000001  453,310  150,000
Ecosciences Inc
Waste Management
 0.98  0.00    -72.86  -5,634      0.000001  1,559,587  500,000
Bebida Beverage Co
Beverages - Non-Alcoholic
Consumer Defensive
 0.57  0.00  41.44  28.03  23.16      0.000001  544,825  100,050
High Performance Beverages Co
Beverages - Non-Alcoholic
Consumer Defensive
 0.56  0.00    -28.88  -4,520      0.000001  2,241,772  20,250
EGPI Firecreek Inc
Oil & Gas E&P
 1.47  0.00    -27.93  -265      0.000004  1,495,755  6,040
GreenGro Technologies Inc
Farm & Heavy Construction Machinery
 2.60  0.00      638      0.000029  45,863  14,453
PPJ Healthcare Enterprises Inc
Health Information Services
 7.84  0.00  -33.21  1.86  -2.63  1.17    0.0001  30,177,432  10,000
Vinco Ventures Inc
Consumer Cyclical
 117  0.00  -614  -39.80  -68.90      0.0015  7,960.14  6,964
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