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1.Exchange: Madrid
2.P/E Is Greater Than 0
3.P/E Is Less Than 5
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
Grupo Ezentis S.A.
Engineering & Construction
 0.18  1.01    -10.06  399      0.182  790,129  647,703
Tubos Reunidos S.A.
Basic Materials
 0.32  2.05    26.95  10.17  3.18    0.656  452,991  72,010
Compania Espanola de Viviendas en Alquiler S.A.
Real Estate - Development
Real Estate
 1.66  3.70  2.83  2.34  1.95  7.40    6.15  828.29  1
International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A.
 0.52  3.80  40.93  3.07  2.52  2.50  1.53  1.98  10,839,893  4,680,680
Iberpapel Gestion S.A.
Paper & Paper Products
Basic Materials
 4.43  4.23  14.99  18.85  12.19    0.49  18.75  2,982.43  585
Petroleo Brasileiro S/A Ord
Oil & Gas Integrated
 1.58  4.35  28.32  13.65  10.78  9.80  0.17  6.88  18,482  9,132
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