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1.Exchange: Shenzhen
2.P/E Is Greater Than 0
3.P/E Is Less Than 5
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
Jiangxi Zhengbang Technology Co Ltd
Farm Products
Consumer Defensive
 2.94  0.92    -5.70  48.21      2.71  38,324,052  29,903,352
Bosera China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone
 1.46  1.32            1.93  6,092,089  6,094,369
Shenyang Huitian Thermal Power Co Ltd
Utilities - Diversified
 2.02  1.50    13.83  21.62  5.55    3.04  7,370,026  3,798,700
Suzhou Thvow Technology Co Ltd A
Specialty Industrial Machinery
 1.94  1.70    0.97  10.33  0.32    3.30  9,022,173  5,746,800
Shandong Oriental Ocean Sci-tech Co Ltd
Packaged Foods
Consumer Defensive
 0.87  2.11  733  -10.11  76.85      1.84  7,452,173  4,656,419
Macrolink Culturaltainment Development Co Ltd A
 0.70  2.26  126  0.45  4.68  0.08    1.58  33,001,178  18,936,200
Shenzhen Grandland Group Co Ltd A
Engineering & Construction
 0.59  2.58    44.66  33.01  8.74    1.52  10,223,266  6,462,734
Beijing Kingee Culture Development Co Ltd
Luxury Goods
Consumer Cyclical
 0.78  2.77    -2.56  23.06      2.16  3,119,557  2,478,374
ZoJe Resources Investment Co Ltd A
Specialty Industrial Machinery
 0.50  3.36  879  -0.60  41.37      1.68  40,286,312  20,455,000
Kingland Technology Co Ltd A
Real Estate Services
Real Estate
 0.45  3.64  682  -8.44  23.83      1.64  5,633,902  5,592,600
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