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1.Exchange: Shenzhen
2.EPS Is Greater Than 10
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd
Electrical Equipment & Parts
 11.93  15.87  23.74  15.25  6.59  14.40  0.23  189.35  17,980,700  23,613,540
Changchun High & New Technology Industries (Group) Inc A
Drug Manufacturers - Specialty & Generic
 11.06  8.23  21.58  26.47  15.54  143  0.59  91.03  3,979,300  2,409,849
BYD Co Ltd
Auto Manufacturers
Consumer Cyclical
 10.47  24.35  23.55  8.01  4.89  18.36  0.58  254.95  11,555,868  12,484,165
Anhui Gujing Distillery Co Ltd B
Beverages - Wineries & Distilleries
Consumer Defensive
 10.33  10.45  23.85  35.43  13.86  1,646  0.58  107.95  85,160  75,901
Shenzhen Mindray Bio-Medical Electronics Co Ltd A
Medical Devices
 10.04  26.69  34.93  52.43  24.85  6,578  1.13  267.95  3,042,185  3,291,544
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