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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
Berkshire Hathaway Inc
Insurance - Diversified
Financial Services
 50,836  12.93  13.57    5.71    -1.58  657,180  1,858.05  1,392
Ault Alliance Inc
Aerospace & Defense
 665  0.00  -195  -17.30  -47.45      0.3073  1,067,214  702,452
Residential Construction
Consumer Cyclical
 484  17.77  39.31  62.58  25.77  72.80  0.75  8,600.60  19,761  22,170
Seaboard Corp
 239  13.25  5.40  -1.34  3.44    0.80  3,161.86  3,109.81  1,106
White Mountains Insurance Group Ltd
Insurance - Property & Casualty
Financial Services
 221  7.92  13.82  8.33  6.67  10.52  -2.07  1,750.18  16,185  10,672
Markel Group Inc
Insurance - Property & Casualty
Financial Services
 185  8.72  17.43  6.04  4.72  19.35  0.45  1,614.29  42,008  53,966
AutoZone Inc
Specialty Retail
Consumer Cyclical
 144  21.42    29.91  16.06  8.86  1.00  3,090.31  113,579  180,338
Catheter Precision Inc
Medical Devices
 113  0.02  -28.24  -32.64  -19.49      1.74  224,073  41,248
Everest Group Ltd
Insurance - Reinsurance
Financial Services
 66.38  5.77  24.88  6.87  6.19  19.55  1.97  382.93  303,256  311,306
MicroSectors U.S. Big Oil Index 3X Leveraged ETN
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 66.18  7.59            502.48  27,642  26,816
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