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1.Exchange: Tokyo
2.EPS Is Greater Than 10
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
Next Funds DJIA (Unhedged) Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 34,134  1.77            60,580  4,287.33  1,429
Japan Real Estate Investment Corp
REIT - Office
Real Estate
 25,100  20.64  6.81  3.43  3.44  20.56  9.03  518,000  5,144.38  3,937
Nippon Building Fund Inc
REIT - Office
Real Estate
 22,849  25.30  5.50  2.91  2.81  16.81  15.82  578,000  4,566.52  2,919
Nippon Accommodations Fund Inc
REIT - Diversified
Real Estate
 22,788  27.73  7.68  3.76  3.57  15.37  22.92  632,000  993.05  927
Frontier Real Estate Investment Corp
REIT - Diversified
Real Estate
 21,887  19.71  6.79  3.72  3.52  22.63  49.48  431,500  1,001.76  879
Activia Properties Inc
REIT - Diversified
Real Estate
 19,753  17.82  5.84  3.12  2.83  11.91  16.33  352,000  2,223.62  1,906
Hoshino Resorts REIT Inc
REIT - Hotel & Motel
Real Estate
 17,726  29.11  3.59  2.64  2.15  7.92    516,000  686.57  500
Nippon REIT Investment Corp
REIT - Diversified
Real Estate
 17,161  19.26  5.94  3.31  2.82  10.79  38.01  330,500  1,175.29  992
Japan Prime Realty Investment Corp
REIT - Diversified
Real Estate
 15,358  21.16  5.65  3.43  3.03  11.72  19.00  325,000  1,474.86  1,168
Mitsubishi Estate Logistics REIT Investment Corp
REIT - Industrial
Real Estate
 14,269  26.56  4.52  2.88  2.63  13.55  3.39  379,000  1,161.81  1,387
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