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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector  EPS  P / E  ROE  ROIC  ROA  Interest cover  PEG Ratio  Last  Avg Vol  Volume
iShares Plc iShares Euro Government Bond 1-3
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 590,923  0.02            11,947  375  327
iShares EUR Aggregate Bond UCITS Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 451,350  0.02            9,055.00  419.43  190
iShares US Aggregate Bond UCITS Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 358,276  0.02            7,255.00  413.67  111
iShares Edge MSCI World Momentum Factor UCITS Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 295,175  0.02            5,833.00  7,839.76  2,550
iShares Plc iShares AEX UCITS Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 97,940  0.08            7,640.00  8,236.24  569
Amundi MSCI Brazil UCITS Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 79,740  0.02            1,559.80  2,369.19  11,547
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 51,055  0.11            5,633.00  614.19  4
iShares S&P 500 Consumer Discretionary Sector UCITS Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 48,662  0.02            971.75  14,598  3,931
iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 34,470  0.02            690.80  48,797  7
iShares MSCI EMU ESG Screened UCITS Etf D
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 29,960  0.02            594.70  10,670  4
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