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1.3-Month Relative Strength Is Above 90
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   Symbol   Name   Industry   Sector   1-Week
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
Relative Strength
  Last  Volume
Aaron`s Co Inc
Rental & Leasing Services
 49 /100 46 /100 26 /100 96 /100 16 /100 7 /100 9.96  587,474
GraniteShares 2x Long AAPL Daily Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 10 /100 10 /100 56 /100 96 /100 77 /100 58 /100 26.84  62,263
Direxion Daily AAPL Bull 2X Shares
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 10 /100 10 /100 55 /100 96 /100 84 /100 77 /100 34.43  684,528
T-Rex 2X Long Apple Daily Target Etf
Exchange Traded Fund
Financial Services
 10 /100 10 /100 54 /100 96 /100 76 /100   31.19  26,107
American Assets Trust Inc
REIT - Diversified
Real Estate
 91 /100 88 /100 93 /100 91 /100 58 /100 75 /100 25.22  168,031
Ameris Bancorp
Banks - Regional
Financial Services
 81 /100 89 /100 91 /100 90 /100 78 /100 91 /100 61.71  467,974
ABM Industries Inc
Specialty Business Services
 80 /100 89 /100 80 /100 92 /100 93 /100 82 /100 55.08  384,723
Arbutus Biopharma Corp
 82 /100 83 /100 92 /100 92 /100 94 /100 95 /100 3.90  717,506
Archer Aviation Inc
Aerospace & Defense
 64 /100 8 /100 98 /100 91 /100 14 /100 22 /100 4.69  7,056,411
AC Immune S.A.
 94 /100 80 /100 24 /100 96 /100 42 /100 85 /100 3.91  216,345
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