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EPS, 5-Year Avg
P/E, 5-Year Avg
ROE, 5-Year Avg
EPS, 5-Year Growth, %
ROI, 5-Year Average
The Price-to-Earnings 5-Year Average is a financial metric used in investing to provide a smoothed average of a company's price-to-earnings ratio over the past five years. Calculated by averaging the P/E ratios for each of the five years, this metric helps investors gain a more stable and long-term perspective on a company's valuation than a single-year P/E ratio, which short-term fluctuations can influence. A consistent or declining P/E 5-Year Average may suggest that the market has maintained a stable valuation or that the company's earnings growth has outpaced its stock price appreciation. This metric is handy for smoothing the impact of temporary market conditions or one-time events that could distort a single-year P/E ratio.
Price / Earnings Ratio, 5 Year Avg   Action
 P/E, 5-Year Avg: More than 10    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 P/E, 5-Year Avg: 5 to 10    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   
 P/E, 5-Year Avg: 0 to 5    Customize Screen    Backtest Screen    Create Strategy and Backtest   

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