Traders often view new highs as a confirmation of an uptrend, indicating potential opportunities for further gains. Momentum traders may take this as a signal to enter or maintain long positions, expecting the upward movement to persist. Breakout traders may interpret a new high as indicating a substantial price movement, prompting them to enter positions anticipating continued upward momentum. Additionally, reaching a new high can instill confidence in investors, attracting more market participants and potentially driving the stock price even higher.
New Highs / New Lows - Technical Analysis from A to Z
The New Highs-New Lows indicator ("NH-NL") displays the daily difference between the number of stocks reaching new 52-week highs and those reaching new 52-week lows. You can interpret the NH-NL indicator as a divergence indicator or as an oscillator. I usually plot a 10-day moving average of the NH-NL indicator to smooth the daily values.