MarketInOut Stock Screener Please enable JavaScript to view this page content properly Log In | Sign Up is a powerful analytics platform designed to provide comprehensive insights into the financial health of companies worldwide. The platform enables in-depth exploration of quarterly and annual earnings reports, operating metrics, to-industry ratios, and relative strength data. With advanced features like historical screening, backtesting, market breadth, fundamental and technical indicators, scoring metrics, and correlation analysis, the platform helps users to discover financially stable companies for further research.

Stock Screener

What makes a unique stock screener? Of course, we support all popular technical indicators such as MACD, Stochastic, Ichimoku, Bollinger Bands, and SuperTrend. In addition, you can also perform more detailed stock screening using support and resistance levels, classic trend lines, Demark's trend lines, Fibonacci retracements, linear regression channels, Donchian and Keltner channels, pivot points, candlesticks, and classic chart patterns. You can also take the approaches of Warren Buffett, Peter Lynch, and Benjamin Graham to find undervalued stocks and select financially stable companies using scoring techniques developed by Joseph Piotroski, Edward Altman, and Messod Beneish. But this is still only a tiny part of your arsenal. Utilizing a multitude of technical and fundamental criteria allows you to select stocks across 35 different international stock exchanges using daily, weekly, and monthly timeframes. Historical screening and notification options are also available. Take advantage of the opportunity to have new matching stocks sent directly to your phone or email.

Strategy Backtester

Have you already developed a stock analysis method? How would you be successful if you followed this method in 2022 or 2023? Find it out with the most comprehensive and powerful backtesting tool. This tool allows you to research the performance of your strategy over 20 years of historical data. The Backtester makes it easy to gauge the historical performance of even the most sophisticated techniques. Backtest your method with us before going live!

Formulaic Expressions

Stock Screener is an easy-to-use and powerful tool. However, you can achieve even more flexibility with the Formula Screener tool, which allows you to create any complex stock screening criteria. The formula can use various timeframes, index conditions, regime filters, aggregate functions, and data arrays. You can also create scoring criteria, perform historical screening, and add instructions for displaying the result. It is worth noting that formulaic expressions can also be used in the Strategy Backtester tool. In this case, you can also use special functions that provide access to the trading position.

Stock Universe provides the opportunity to analyze and screen companies from all the world's leading stock exchanges: Nasdaq, NYSE, OTC, TSX, TSXV, LSE, Euronext (Paris, Milan, Amsterdam, Dublin, Lisbon, Brussels), Madrid, Prague, Xetra, Oslo, Helsinki, Tadawul, DFM, BSE, KLSE, SGX, JKSE, HKSE, SHSE, KRX, TSE, MOEX, TASE and many others. But that is not all. Of course, we also support Forex and cryptocurrencies. All the tools provided on the platform apply to them.

Portfolio Tracker
Get a big-picture view of your portfolio using the Portfolio Tracker tool. Use the chart feature to display the open and close points of your portfolio's positions. Measure the success of your portfolio using the performance chart and performance statistics. The Portfolio Tracker provides all the tools and information needed to analyze your portfolio as a whole.

What's New
PVI and NVI indicators

The Positive Volume Index (PVI) and Negative Volume Index (NVI) are technical indicators used to analyze market trends based on trading volume. PVI tracks price changes on days when trading volume increases compared to the previous day, often reflecting retail trader behavior. A rising PVI signals that higher volume is driving prices up, suggesting a bullish trend, while a falling PVI indicates that higher volume is pushing prices down, signaling bearish sentiment. NVI, on the other hand, focuses on days when volume decreases, often representing the actions of informed or institutional traders. A rising NVI during low-volume days suggests that smart money is driving prices up, which is a bullish signal. Conversely, a declining NVI implies that informed traders are selling, which could indicate a bearish trend. Traders commonly use both indicators with long-term moving averages to generate signals, such as bullish crossovers when the PVI or NVI moves above its moving average, and bearish signals when they fall below. Combining PVI and NVI helps in identifying shifts in market sentiment and potential trend reversals. You can select PVI and NVI indicators in the Volume category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to them by pvi(255) and nvi(255), respecevely, in the Formula Screener. For example, pvi(255) trend_up 7 expression reads as PVI is trending up over the last 7 days. You can also refer to the PVI`s exponential moving average (EMA, the signal line) in the formula expression. For example, the pvi(255) ca pvis(255) expression reads as PVI crossed above 255-day EMA.

QQE indicatore

The QQE (Quantitative Qualitative Estimation) indicator is an advanced technical analysis tool that enhances the standard RSI (Relative Strength Index) by incorporating volatility through the ATR (Average True Range). The QQE generates two lines, the Smoothed RSI line and a slower QQE baseline, which traders use to identify potential market entries and exits. Buy signals occur when the Smoothed RSI line crosses above the QQE line, indicating bullish momentum. Sell signals are triggered when the Smoothed RSI line crosses below the QQE line, signaling bearish momentum. The QQE also highlights overbought and oversold conditions similar to the RSI, helping traders spot potential trend reversals. Additionally, the divergence between the price and QQE values can indicate weakening momentum, pointing to possible reversals. The smoothing effect of QQE makes it less prone to false signals, offering clearer insights in volatile markets. You can select the QQE indicator in the Oscillators category of the Stock Screener tool or refer to it by qqe(14,5,4.236) in the Formula Screener. For example, qqe(14,5,4.236) ca 50 expression reads as QQE line crossed above 50. Or, qqe(14,5,4.236) div_bull means bullish divergence between the price and the QQE. You can also refer to the Smoothed RSI line in the formula expression. For example, qqes(14,5,4.236) ca qqe(14,5,4.236) expression reads as Smoothed RSI line crossed above QQE line.

Layout feature

The Stock Chart tool is now leveraged by the layout feature that allows you to have multiple charts on one page with different settings. This new feature is designed to enhance your workflow, as it enables you to compare multiple stocks or indices at a glance. You can place up to 9 charts of different scales and types with various indicators and periods. You can create your custom layouts or use the system. The panel on the right allows you to select the desired ticker from the watch list or the index components. You can try the improved tool in action now using this link!

Market cap thresholds change

The classification of companies based on market capitalization (market cap) falls into several categories: Large-cap, Mid-cap, Small-cap, and Micro-cap. You can select this criterion in the Universe - Capitalization category of the Stock Screener tool. The thresholds for each category have been changed to the following values: Large-cap: Greater than 10B, Mid-cap: 2B - 10B, Small-cap: 300M - 2B, Micro-cap: Lower than 300M. For the Indian market, thresholds are as follows: Large-cap: Greater than 20000 Cr, Mid-cap: 5000 Cr - 20000 Cr, Small-cap: 1000 Cr - 5000 Cr, Micro-cap: Lower than 1000 Cr. Please also note that you can use the Price / Volume - Cap, mln criterion in the Stock Screener tool to set any capitalization condition.

Pricing model change
10/14/2024 is excited to announce that we are switching from a recurring subscription to a one-time payment model. This means that a paid membership will not auto-renew when it expires. However, you will be able to renew your membership manually from the Sign-Up page. You may receive a notification that your subscription has been canceled. This should not confuse you. Your membership will remain active until the end of the paid period. This only means that the membership will not auto-renew. We apologize for any inconvenience caused due to this change. Feel free to contact us if you need assistance with the membership renewal. We will be happy to help! - Stock Screener
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 Stock Screener

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