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Position Maintenance

You can specify protective Stop Loss, Take Profit, Trailing Stop Loss and Duration Limit parameters in Position Maintenence section on the strategy editing page. The values can be specified in either % or ATR units:

Unit %

In the example below you can see a trade for EGLE stock. The purchase price was $160, and the position was closed at $217 by a take profit stop at 35%. A protective stop loss was set at $136 ($160 - 15% = $136), and a trailing stop loss was adjusted each time the stock moved higher. The last trailing stop loss adjustment was at a high price of $215, with the following calculation: $215 - 20% = $173:

Unit ATR

This example shows how stop values will be calculated if an ATR unit is selected. The purchase price is $160, and the position was closed by a take profit stop at $220 ($160 + 5 ATRs * $12). The protective stop loss equals $136 ($160 - 2 * $12 = $136). The trailing stop loss is adjusted each time the stock moves higher. The last trailing stop loss adjustment was at high price $215, with the following calculation: $215 - 2 * $12 = $179:


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