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Correlation Calculator
Correlation analysis helps identify the relationship between two or more companies, showing how they move about each other. It helps assess patterns, manage risk, and improve decision-making by revealing which assets correlate positively or negatively.

  Period, days
 MSFT   1.000000 
 MSFT.IX   0.999990 
 MSFU   0.996176 
 MSFL   0.996139 
 MSFX   0.994097 
 MSFY   0.993002 
 MSFO   0.969284 
 GBUY   0.926712 
 IOO   0.920963 
 RSBT   0.916269 
 AAPY   0.914255 
 NUGO   0.913458 
 TTEQ   0.913110 
 PJFG   0.912433 
 QQQX   0.912419 
 IXN   0.911784 
 IXN.IX   0.911784 
 DAN   0.911523 
 DAN.IX   0.911519 
 IXP   0.910664 
 NPK   0.908330 
 NPK.IX   0.908330 
 VERS   0.907532 
 HLAL   0.906131 
 IWY   0.904922 
15744 rows returned

Education Stock Correlation - Explanation
Stock Correlation is the statistical measure of the relationship between two stocks. The correlation coefficient ranges between -1 and +1. A correlation of +1 implies that the two stocks will move in the same direction 100% of the time. A correlation of -1 implies the two stocks will move in the opposite direction 100% of the time. A correlation of zero implies that the relationship between the stocks is completely random. Correlations do not always remain stable and can even change on a daily basis. Correlation analysis can help you to diversify your positions. An imperfect correlation between two different stocks allows for more diversification and marginally lower risk.

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