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 SWADPOL.BO  Swadeshi Polytex Ltd Real Estate Services Real Estate -4.99 -22.59 -58.44 12.42 40.13 246.89 1,316.03 2,369.22
 ANANTRAJ.NS  Anant Raj Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate -1.47 9.63 11.20 44.67 43.92 146.69 711.31 593.00
 ANANTRAJ.BO  Anant Raj Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate -1.27 9.41 11.38 42.76 43.42 146.76 707.68 586.29
 SUMIT.NS  Sumit Woods Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 1.05 3.01 0.97 37.93 43.98 111.63 574.52 474.79
 UNITECH.BO  Unitech Ltd Real Estate - Diversified Real Estate 4.88 27.27 17.69 17.12 23.23 719.05 572.63 333.09
 UNITECH.NS  Unitech Ltd Real Estate - Diversified Real Estate 4.94 27.27 16.67 15.53 40.83 693.33 561.11 290.16
 PENINLAND.NS  Peninsula Land Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 3.64 12.25 10.75 43.28 31.50 164.30 522.91 494.98
 PENINLAND.BO  Peninsula Land Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 3.38 11.69 10.48 43.58 32.09 163.17 510.68 481.24
 ARIHANT.BO  Arihant Foundations & Housing Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate -1.80 17.80 18.64 33.84 165.76 262.51 506.20 467.86
 SBGLP.BO  Suratwwala Business Group Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 2.09 3.47 5.71 70.96 131.20 474.89 490.00 1,712.14
 SBGLP.NS  Suratwwala Business Group Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 2.34 3.99 6.69 70.61 130.15 478.35 486.49 486.49
 TARC.BO  TARC Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 9.04 18.47 36.72 44.93 51.17 215.13 426.74 339.25
 MAXHEIGHTS.BO  Max Heights Infrastructure Ltd Real Estate Services Real Estate -0.70 2.54 4.06 12.30 41.64 5.91 424.07 424.07
 TARC.NS  TARC Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 8.80 20.28 38.10 44.67 51.90 218.73 423.01 534.84
 PURVA.NS  Puravankara Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate -0.68 10.82 20.98 145.27 132.94 405.31 408.19 403.89
 PURVA.BO  Puravankara Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate -1.74 10.62 20.11 144.13 131.91 405.34 405.80 403.23
 HBESD.BO  HB Estate Developers Ltd Real Estate Services Real Estate 0.96 4.07 8.06 13.73 55.14 126.57 362.36 399.72
 ARVSMART.BO  Arvind SmartSpaces Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 0.36 9.67 7.09 24.15 63.75 100.53 358.72 545.26
 PRESTIGE.BO  Prestige Estates Projects Ltd Real Estate - Diversified Real Estate 1.72 5.49 27.51 66.34 61.51 227.00 358.45 551.96
 PRESTIGE.NS  Prestige Estates Projects Ltd Real Estate - Diversified Real Estate 1.34 6.44 26.31 66.75 60.59 226.94 357.84 550.09
 ARVSMART.NS  Arvind SmartSpaces Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 0.21 10.44 7.02 25.99 62.73 98.46 354.65 540.03
 SEL.BO  Sanathnagar Enterprises Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate -1.99 -9.59 19.10 197.97 260.18 251.17 324.88 132.53
 SOBHA.BO  Sobha Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 4.93 10.73 32.22 71.30 122.68 287.76 313.51 335.23
 SOBHA.NS  Sobha Ltd Real Estate - Development Real Estate 4.84 10.90 31.85 70.52 121.95 286.99 312.32 333.72
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